Posted on: January 13, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

When talking about cannabis, there’s one kind of high you don’t want, and that’s sky-high prices. Marijuana gets expensive, especially if you’re a regular user. Fortunately, cutting down on costs doesn’t necessarily mean cutting back on consumption. Here are five tips for how to save money on marijuana that every cannabis connoisseur will want to know.

Compare Dispensary Deals

First, don’t forget to compare dispensaries around town. Many people fall into the habit of visiting the same dispensary every time. While some dispensaries offer loyalty programs that you want to take advantage of, keep in mind that many places offer deals for new members, too.

Just because you have a long history with a dispensary doesn’t mean you can’t find a better deal across town. Hop online and check out your options on how to save money and purchase marijuana for sale online

Stay Away from Joints

While smoking a joint or blunt is undeniably a relaxing experience, as a delivery method, it wastes a ton of weed. It’s easily the least economical way to smoke. Put down the rolling papers and pick up a pipe or bong instead.

If you really want to conserve your flower, use a one-hitter or a chillum. A one-hitter, or one-y, is basically a tiny steamroller. You can take quick, discreet, and powerful hits. It doesn’t take much to feel the effects, either.

A chillum is basically a one-hitter with a larger bowl, one deep enough to stay cherried after it’s lit. It’s equally discreet and efficient. An advantage to both is that they help cut down on mindless smoking, so you smoke what you need without wasting more.

Switch to Dabs

If you really want to save, consider switching away from flower altogether. Dabbing is often the most cost-effective choice. A tiny dot of oil can keep you high for hours.

Dabbing involves heating and vaping a tightly compressed cannabis concentrate like wax or shatter. Because the cannabis is concentrated, the THC level can get really high, sometimes around 80%. That’s why a little goes a long way.

Of course, dabbing does have a relatively high upfront cost because you’ll need to buy oil and possibly other equipment such as a nail, dome, wand, and torch. Despite the initial expense, dabbing is usually a better value in the long run compared to smoking flower.  

Make Your Own Hash

Are you spending too much on concentrates? You can make your own extracts at home. The easiest option is typically hash, which anyone can make using a pollen press.

To make your own hash, you’ll need to collect your pollen, also called kief. It’s the fine green particles collected in the lower chamber of your grinder. They’re known scientifically as trichomes.

A pollen press is a small metal cylinder with a pin and two end caps. You load it with kief and then seal it together for eight hours. When it’s done, you have hash pellets that are roughly the diameter of a penny. Not only is the hash more potent, but it’s also easier to store and lasts longer. Plus, by using kief you already have, you save big.

If you really want to get serious about it, you can use a rosin press to turn your hash into an even more potent extract.

Limit Your Consumption

Are you an all-day, every-day type of smoker? Consider cutting back. Spacing out the time between sessions does increase the impact of each. If you’re feeling bolder, consider a tolerance break. Even a break of two days can help your tolerance level drop, so you don’t have to smoke as much weed to feel the effects. 

Your love for cannabis doesn’t have to drain your finances. Follow the tips above to learn how to save money on marijuana by making a few minor changes to your smoking habit.

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