Posted on: May 15, 2022 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Manga has become one of the most popular types of books in recent years. People adore these Japanese comics for their energizing storylines and relatable characters. If you like realistic fiction, you should read these books. Not only children are so hooked on them but also people of all ages. And don’t forget that there are tons of manga series you should watch out for this month on the best reading manga site, Mangago.

Start your month with a bang! Read these top-notch manga reads and be the first to know what’s new in the manga industry. You never know when a new manga might come out or what themes might be explored. So if you’re a manga fan, check out these top favorites this month.

1. Bleach: Ichigo and the 15-Foot Monster

By now, you’ve probably heard about the popular Bleach manga, but what about this month’s single favorite? What about the 15-Foot Monster? In the manga book, that is.  This is a classic story about a young man who must choose between his people and his studies and what he has become as a person. It’s written in the shōjo manga style and contains lots of humor and heart. It’s almost an obligation to read this once a month. So enjoy this comedy, adventure, and action manga!

2. One Piece: The Treasure of Truth and Destiny

One of the most popular One Piece series, The Treasure of Truth and Destiny, continues with volume 7. The plot has been the same since the first volume and the same characters make it to the recent two volumes. Though, this volume, however, will be a different story altogether.  The story takes place in the near future, and while society has made drastic strides in terms of technology, it remains as ersatz as ever. One man referred to as the “Master of Sin”, continues to search for the missing treasure.

3. Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers is the latest title in the Tokyo vascular diet series. The third book in the series follows Rondo, a young man who hopes to one day be the “ Salesman of Tokyo”. Rondo’s friend Hanami, also a young man, is in the lead in his quest.  This novel is a very related story, with Rondo and Hanami finding a common ground in their quest to find the “Tokyo Dokurodo”. The plot is similar to One Piece, for both men to one day be the “Salesman of Tokyo”, and for both to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

4. Boku no Hero Academia

The latest Boku no Hero Academia manga is out. It’s the first volume in the series and it follows the adventures of four schoolgirls. The plot is very similar to another popular series, Naruto, which has been around for decades.  The manga books are written in the typical format of a school life graphic novel and the characters are very similar to those in Naruto. Despite its similarities, the volume flips to a different page, showing each of the characters in a new setting. This is one of the best things about the volume.

5. Haikyuu!

This is another popular Haikyuu graphic novel series. The first volume in the series, Haikyuu, is out on Mangago and it is the most popular Haikyuu novel of all. The plots in the first volume are almost identical to the ones in the second and third volumes, so it’s hard for new readers to get started. The second and third volumes are even lighter in tone than the first and share common characters with the other Haikyuu novels.

6.Shigeki no Kyojin: Finale

This is the final volume of the Shigeki no Kyojin series. It follows the same cast of characters in a very similar fashion to the first three volumes of the series. The plot is very similar to the first three volumes of the series, with a young man named Kuzuya, his friend Shingo, and the young girl Ayane all searching for the “Garden of Aokiji”, which is located in the mountains of Japan.  This is the best thing about the final volume. It’s been out for a while, but it’s still fresh in your mind and you want to see what’s next. Don’t let this entry pass you by. Read it now.

7.Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

This is the latest popular title in the long-running series, Demon Slayer. The second volume in the series finishes Kishirô’s story and revolves around Ayane, now a teenager, and her friend Chiwa. The series continues with other characters like Lupe and Ryo, so the plot is slightly different this time around.  This is a very good series, with a variety of plotlines and themes. The first volume of the series revolves around Ayane and Chiwa, who are friends. The second volume has Ayane and Lupe as lovers, while the third has Chiwa and Ryo as lovers.

8. Jujutsu Kaisen

This is the latest title in the popular Kan Jutsu series. The first volume of the series follows a man who becomes the “Ki Master of the Land of Eternals”. The title of the novel refers to the fact that he becomes the “Ki Master of the Land of Eternals” by achieving certain martial arts movements.  This is another series that follows a very similar plot to One Piece. A man is awakened by a dream and is transformed into the “Ki Master of the Land of Eternals”. However, this case is very different from the others in that the Kumite is more spiritual in nature.

Interested in new manga this month?

We’ve recently seen a surge in interest in new manga among Japan’s younger generation, with solidified collections for titles like Naruto and One Piece. The number of manga titles in circulation in Japan has grown exponentially in the past decade, and it’s unlikely that things will change now that fans are more engaged with the industry.  There are still plenty of titles to keep an eye on, though. Luckily, there are plenty of top-notch reads on the horizon. If you’re looking for a quick read this month, look no further. Start your month off right by picking up a few titles from the list below.


The second half of the year is largely filled with new releases, and with good reason. The market is still young, and there are many titles that are still relatively new. Here are some of the sites you have to visit this month including Mangago, Mangaowl, Mangafreak, Mangakakalot, and Readingmanga. There are still plenty of titles to read in the second half of the year, so don’t be shy in taking a look. You can also order a few titles from the below list for cheaper than usual.

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