Posted on: December 5, 2022 Posted by: AAA Comments: 0

Want to take your toddler on vacation to Waterbom Bali but are afraid that your little one will be fussy on the plane?

The biggest fear for parents when traveling with toddlers is when they have tantrums that disturb other passengers. It’s no wonder many parents are busier when preparing their toddler’s equipment for flight than preparing for their vacation. Not to mention thinking about what other passengers will complain about when your little one starts to get fussy.

Worrying is natural for parents, especially if it’s the first time taking their kids on a plane. But don’t keep worrying and overthinking because it will only make things worse. It’s better to make preparations as below so that the trip is smooth and enjoyable.

Wear comfortable clothes

Both you and your toddler need to wear clothes that are comfortable and absorb sweat, such as those made from cotton. Remember to bring a jacket or blanket because the plane is cold enough for a toddler.

Bring their favorite toys and treats

Toys can distract and keep your little one busy. So remember to bring their favorite toys along with activity books such as sticker books, coloring books, drawing books, and more. Provide fillings such as milk, biscuits, fruit and juice for snacks. Apart from being healthy, this snack can also fill your little one’s stomach, which may be fussy due to hunger.

Arrive early at the airport

If you are used to arriving close to boarding times, this habit must be avoided when bringing your little one. Don’t make them panic too because everything is in a hurry and their mood will be bad. It’s best to arrive early and get around the airport. For example, you are from Komodo International Airport and want to go to another area. You can take kids to walk around the airport, why so many people use suitcases, to teach them what to do when on a plane later.

Seating choices must be considered

It is best to inform the ticket clerk and cabin crew that you are bringing a toddler. So the airline will provide seats in the front position. The front seating area tends to be larger because of the wide leg room, so if your little one gets bored, they still have space to move. In addition, the vibrations in the front seats do not feel as much as in the back. So it tends to be more comfortable for toddlers.

Last entry

Why do you have to enter last? If you sit on the plane first while waiting for other passengers, it is feared that your little one will get bored because it takes too long to take off. So it’s best to let other passengers get on first, so your little one can have a long time outside the plane.

Happy holiday with your little ones!

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