Posted on: August 21, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Nicholas Cage and Danny Glover star in this film, which surrounds Paul Maguire’s (Cage) struggle to locate his daughter, and the violence that has to occur before he can realize this goal. Forced to resume a life that he thought was dead, Paul is forced to jump through dangerous and deadly hurdles to get back one of the individuals mooring him to a normal life.rage_dvd_hic_{929f6d14-06f1-e311-99d0-b8ac6f114281}

The DVD version of Rage has a stellar video print, providing realistic colors while still establishing a larger than life feel for the film. While there is a large amount of action that occurs here, the audio quality of the release is stellar – listeners will be able to hear each utterance and line of dialogue even as the action becomes more frenetic. The setting of Rage is gritty and utterly immersive; viewers will be on the edges of their seats from the opening shot to the close of the film. This flick is a solid bit of action in which viewers understand the motivations of all players while being able to root for Paul without reservation.

Make sure to visit your local video store or reputable online retailer to purchase a copy of Rage, and visit the Image website for more information about their slate of releases for the rest of 2014.

Rating: 8.6/10

Rage DVD Review / 2014 Image Entertainment / 98 Minutes /

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