Posted on: October 10, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The sheer energy that Funeral Kab possess on this self-titled Ep calls back to the early days of Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies, with hints of Deliverance-era Corrosion of Conformity and bits of Rites of Spring / Fugazi. Taken all together, this no frills rock / punk / hardcore blend is something that is loud, raucous, and has a take no prisoners approach that keeps the energy high from beginning to end. Christian Sheep begins with an absolutely furiour guitar line / drum dynamic before a Dead Kennedys / Fear sound is cultivated. …And Now You’re Shit smooths things out further and ties in hints of Jet and Refused into the mix – the track feels as if it came from an unholy blend of 2000s Sweden and 1970s Detroit. An absolutely furious guitar riff is further highlighted with an accompanying bass line. 1717 17th Street keeps the high energy high and inserts a bit of rockabilly and psychedelic rock into the mix – Funeral Kab is able to insert the Nekromantix and The Cramps into their overall repertoire while keeping things fun and furious.

While Funeral Kab’s interests usually have a very dirty and (sometimes) hard to hear production to their recordings, I feel that Funeral Kab are able to create a similar sound to their music while mastering and producing it in such a way that listeners can discern every guitar line, bass riff, and lyric that is contained on this EP.
Visit the band’s Facebook or Bandcamp for the latest in news, releases, and samples of Funeral Kab’s music; the band is tops at what they do and create a fully fleshed-out persona on their self-titled EP.
Top Tracks: The Procession to Church Maus, …And Now You’re Shit
Rating: 8.8/10


Funeral Kab S/T EP / 2014 Self / 5 Tracks / /

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