When one looks to purchase a bag there are a number of different considerations to make. For individuals that have a laptop a bag of a certain size is required. The overall design of the bag matters as well. For those that are active – if they are utilizing a bicycle or carrying their possessions on a train or bus – having a good amount of padding and protection for the items contained within becomes a major concern.
Durability issues are also something to consider. Will this be a bag that can last for a few years or will somebody have to replace this after a few months of intense usage?
Waterfield Designs offers a number of messenger bags in a variety of sizes ensuring that one has the perfect form and design that they require. The overall quality of the materials used and the stitching also is leagues above the bags that one will find at a department store or other location that offers messenger bags.
The design of the Waterfield Designs Bolt bag is fashionable and utilizes colors that will work perfectly with a wide variety of informal, semi-formal and formal events. This means that the stitching and colors used are sharp, distinct, and durable enough to last through the rigors of regular usage. The price of the Bolt Briefcase ($249 for a small; $279 for a large) is approachable putting it in the realm of a holiday or birthday gift.
This cost becomes lower when one considers the time that they will be able to keep this bag and rotation. It is able to take dings, scratches and other trauma without looking the worst for wear. If individuals have different requirements, they should check out the company’s website 4 a full list all products that the company offers. A must-have for anyone that has valuable computing gear, WaterField’s Bolt Briefcase successfully blends fashion, form and protection to keep an individual’s possessions safe and secure.
Waterfield Designs – Bolt Briefcase / Medium / Grizzly Leather on Black Ballistic / https://www.sfbags.com/products/bolt-briefcase /
Thank you to Cezanne for this infographic on employee salaries.