Posted on: August 12, 2019 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

It is the season to be jolly again because Christmas is coming. Looking for out of the box ideas to celebrate Christmas adds that special zest to the holidays. Most of us are bored of celebrating Christmas the old and conventional way of putting up lights and waiting for presents under the tree. If you are among this category, you need to discover Christmas memes.

Christmas memes are a fun way of making people happy during this festive season or simply having the freedom to say whatever you want and get away with it. This is the time to come up with the craziest and snappy sayings without worrying about offending anyone. Whatever observation you have concerning this time, you can definitely put it into a meme. Here are a few suggestions on making your Christmas meme memorable:

Christmas symbols

The best Christmas memes are those that remind us of the things we do during Christmas. When you think about this festive season, the things that come to mind are decorating the house and the tree, putting a chiming bell on the door with flowers and of course the grumpy cat who is mad about, well, everything!

Christmas is always colorful because everything and everyone is in red, green and gold. There is of course no Christmas without Santa. Christmas memes such as the grumpy cat wearing a hat followed by words such as “All that I ever want for this Christmas is to really punch you”, will definitely make people laugh and remember the meme.


Christmas is not Christmas without gifts. You can create a meme to say what you really feel concerning the presents you receive or ask for a present that you really want. Pictures of receiving photo frames instead of an iPad or a little girl receiving a baseball instead of a doll are absolutely hilarious. If you know people who just cannot wrap a present well, a meme is a great way to make fun of them.


Music is soul food. Everyone loves music. Christmas time is all about music. There are certain songs that resonate in our minds when we think about this season…jingle bells, silent night, we wish you a merry Christmas. You can use these songs to create the funniest mimes such as single bells, single all the way.

Punch lines

There is no way you cannot wish people a merry Christmas during this season. Some of the best memes have Christmas wishes such as “Merry Kissmyass”. When using these punch lines, remember to use words and symbols that people are familiar with and sentimental about to make it more hilarious. 

You cannot forget to include some of the best movies and television programs in your memes just to remind people of this season. We all loved to watch Game of Thrones. You can create a meme that reminds people of some of the best times during the show such as “Brace Yourselves, Christmas is coming.”

No matter the choice of meme, always remember to make it hilarious. When you use these suggestions, people will definitely remember them.

Author Bio

Chris Williams – Memes lets you effortlessly share funny pictures. He is a renowned blogger who shares his expertise in meme creation and other topics.

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