Posted on: November 14, 2019 Posted by: Caitlin Comments: 0

Once in the body, alcohol effects are experienced in the brain, liver, nervous system, and heart. Even the emotional wellbeing of a person is affected by alcohol. And, these effects correspond to the amount of the consumed alcohol directly.

Some of the factors that can influence alcohol effects on a person’s body include gender, age, and alcoholism history in the family, how often and how much individual drinks. Here are some of the reasons why you should not drink alcohol.

  • Hangovers            

A hangover can be described as a series of unpleasant symptoms experienced by an individual that has been drinking excessive alcohol. These symptoms are typically experienced in the morning that follows a night of binge drinking. A person can call an alcohol helpline seeking help to quit drinking when tired of nursing hangovers. Some of the characteristics of a hangover include thirst, fatigue, headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, muscle aches, sensitivity to sound and light, bloodshot eyes, and mood disturbances.

  • Injury                     

Your risk of being involved in an accident increases when you drink an excessive amount of alcohol. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that alcohol consumption slows down the reaction time of a person while impairing their coordination and judgment. Thus, a person that is under alcohol influence is more likely to cause or get involved in a car accident. They are also more likely to be involved in violent acts like child abuse, suicide, murder, burns, falls, firearm injuries, and drowning.

  • Chronic Illnesses           

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that extended alcohol consumption can lead to chronic diseases like high blood pressure, pancreatitis, and liver cirrhosis. The accidents that people are more likely to be involved in when drunk can also leave them with long-term health problems.

Long-term drinking has also been associated with an increased risk of some cancers. These include the cancer of the mouth, liver, esophagus, breast, and larynx. Individuals that drink alcohol and smoke have a higher cancer risk. These are some of the facts that prompt many people with a drinking problem to call an alcoholic hotline to seek guidance and assistance to quit. The risks for some of these health problems decrease when individuals quit alcohol.

  • Dependence

Alcohol dependence can be defined as a chronic illness that is characterized by alcohol preoccupation and uncontrolled drinking. Symptoms of alcohol dependence include starting every day with alcohol, feeling guilty about the drinking habit, the desire to reduce the amount of alcohol a person consumes, repeated drinking despite the health and legal issues related to the habit.

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that individuals that start drinking alcohol before they hit 15 years have a higher risk of becoming dependent on it by up to five times when compared to people that start drinking at the age of 21 years. However, other factors can make a person an alcoholic. They include family history and gender. But, there is no reason to wait until you or a loved one becomes dependent on alcohol to call an alcohol help hotline. If you have noticed symptoms of alcohol dependency, take a move and do it before the problem escalates.

  • Poor Life Quality           

Excessive alcohol consumption affects every aspect of a person’s life. Alcohol can affect an individual professionally, financially, and emotionally. Long-term alcohol consumption has been associated with many psychiatric problems. Major among them include anxiety, antisocial personality disorder, and depression.

When a person drinks excessively, they feed their body with empty calories. Five-ounce wine glass, 12-ounce beer bottle, or 1.5-ounce liquor shot has around 150 calories. The empty calories contained in alcohol do not have beneficial nutrients. Unfortunately, they give individuals unwanted bodyweight that makes them dislike their figures. Many people are unhappy about the way they look when calling alcoholism hotline numbers seeking guidance and help to quit.

However, quitting alcohol can help an individual shed unwanted pounds. You can also engage in a healthy lifestyle that involves regular exercising and eating a balanced diet. Such changes improve health and overall life quality.

The body also heals the damage caused by alcohol when a person quits. It also gets the nutrients it needs to strengthen the immune system and fight illnesses.

  • Birth Defects      

Drinking when trying to conceive or when pregnant is not safe. Research indicates that heavy exposure to an unborn baby can lead to disabling, lifelong effects on cognition and brain. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that pregnant women should abstain from drinking alcohol completely. Unfortunately, one out of every 12 women in the U.S reports drinking alcohol. Therefore, avoid alcohol to ensure that your unborn baby is not exposed to alcohol that can lead to birth defects of the heart, brain, and other organs.

  • Death

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, excessive drinking caused about 88,000 deaths in the United States between 2006 and 2010. Alcohol shortened the lives of these people by about 30 years. Most deaths associated with alcohol are related to binge drinking. This is a drinking pattern where excessive alcohol, is consumed on one occasion. The alcohol concentration in the blood rises to 0.08 percent or even higher within two hours.

Excessive and quick drinking depresses a person’s nervous system. This can lead to blackouts, coma, seizures, and eventually death. Most people call alcohol abuse hotline numbers when they notice these symptoms.

Final Thought

The human liver has enzymes that metabolize alcohol. However, the human liver can metabolize a certain amount of alcohol at a go. Therefore, when a person excessively and quickly, some of the alcohol circulates throughout their body. Alcohol intensity in the body is related to the consumed amount directly. Since alcohol affects every body organ, its effects are also felt all over the body including in the brain. What’s more, alcohol can have both short-term and long-term effects. And because of its addictive nature, quitting alcohol brings unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These are the reasons why a person relapses when they try to quit without professional assistance.

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