Posted on: May 14, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

High cholesterol is considered one of the more acute causes of erectile dysfunction in men, therefore, information on this factor is often scarce which is why it is important to be aware of.

What is high cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an organic compound found in food; it’s also produced in the liver. There are two main types of cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). HDL is considered to be ‘good’ as it helps to transport cholesterol around the body and back to the liver, whereas, LDL is considered to be ‘bad’ cholesterol as it can lead to the build of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis) which can lead to heart failure.

It is estimated that approximately 40% of the global population have elevated cholesterol. High cholesterol is predominantly caused by lifestyle factors such as a highly fatty diet, low level of exercise, smoking and drinking.

How does high cholesterol lead to ED?

The link between high cholesterol and ED is due to reduced blood flow. With narrowing of the blood vessels due to high blood cholesterol, blood flow to the genital region and the penis can be diminished, making it difficult to get an erection. High levels of cholesterol can also affect the body’s ability to produce nitric oxide, which helps the muscles around the penis relax to induce an erection.

High LDL levels may also impact erectile health due to blockages affecting blood flow to the testicles. This can decrease the production of testosterone by the testicles which can consequently cause the ED due to a reduced libido. However, it’s important to keep in mind that ED caused by testosterone deficiency is incredibly rare and contested in the scientific community.

How do you lower high cholesterol?

High cholesterol can be lowered by reducing the intake of saturated fat in your diet. Full-fat dairy products and deep fried food all contain high levels of HDL, so decreasing the amount of these foods in your diet will help to lower high cholesterol. 

Ensuring you consume enough fibre is also recommended as it helps to prevent absorption of LDL in the blood. Soluble fibre such as bread, outs, fruit and vegetables rich sources of fibre.

Exercise is also linked with reducing LDL, it helps to increase the ratio of HDL. Therefore, ensuring regular exercise is important to help manage cholesterol levels.

How can you treat erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be treated by making sure unhealthy lifestyle factors are avoided. Lowering high cholesterol, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol consumption and performing regular exercise are all important.

While addressing lifestyle factors is essential, erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra, Viagra Connect and Sildenafil may also be necessary. Erectile dysfunction treatments can be purchased online at Pharmica – the UK’s trusted online pharmacy.

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