Posted on: October 20, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

As life expectancy increases and we now enjoy longer lives than ever, “tuckshop arms”, droopy eyelids, failing joints and ticker trouble aren’t the only ageing concerns we have to worry about. 

Erectile dysfunction is arguably the single biggest blow to any man’s masculinity, and impacts a quarter of men intermittently between the ages of 40 and 70*.

For women, below-the-belt conditions such as incontinence  strike one in 2 women over the age of 50, as well as many younger women after childbirth.

Not to mention vaginal laxity, or menopausal dryness that makes sex downright painful.

Until only a decade or so ago, all of these conditions were often just “accepted”,  or never discussed with partners or doctors.  

Cosmetic Physician Dr Mike Shenouda, affectionately known as “Dr Love” to his patients, says that “intimate procedures” are now among the most-asked-for procedures at his Geniale cosmetic clinics in Drummoyne Sydney and on the Gold Coast.

Dr Shenouda provides the P-Shot® (Priapus shot) for men, using PRP (platelet rich plasma), that is extracted from the patient’s arm, spun through a centrifuge and then injected into the penis after a numbing cream is applied. 

“About 25% of men have intermittent erectile dysfunction in their lifetime. Many men don’t talk to their partners or wives about it, and it can be caused by a range of factors including medications for depression, diabetes and hypertension; radiation and surgery treatments after prostate cancer; smoking, alcohol and obesity and spinal injuries just to name a few. 

“Erectile dysfunction can have devastating psychological impact, so I am delighted to be able to offer a treatment that is non-invasive, has virtually no downtime and involves a series of two simple injections a few weeks apart.”

For the ladies, enlarged labias can be similarly devastating and globally the designer vagina (or labiaplasty), became the fastest growing procedure in cosmetic surgery in 2017*, and continues to enjoy skyrocketing popularity five years later.

During the procedure, the clitoral  “hood” and labia flaps are surgically re-shaped to improve self-esteem and appearance.

“I have operated on some women who have had a labia measuring 6cm or 8cm,” says Dr Shenouda. Often they avoid sex with partners; some will only have intimate relations in the dark and some have been too embarrassed to have a Pap Smear.”  

He believes that labiaplasty is not a cosmetic make-over, but a life-changing medical procedure. 

“It should only be performed where there are medical concerns, such as chafing, inability to wear tight clothes or infection risk.”   

Dr Shenouda, who set up Geniale Intimates to help women and men improve their  sexual wellness says, improving patient self-esteem is his greatest reward. 

“I think one of the funniest moments I had was when one of my female labiaplasty patients, who had previously been quite shy, rang me a few months later to tell me: ‘Thanks Mike, I think you have given me a Ferrari engine under my ‘hood’ now!”

He says it’s also time that intimate issues were not swept under the carpet anymore. 

“Many women just “accept” that incontinence is a part of life after childbirth. But the bottom line is that no amount of leakage is acceptable For severe incontinence surgical procedures remain the gold standard of care, however for mild to moderate incontinence laser procedures, are non-invasive and have a quick recovery. Quite often women combine it with PRP in a procedure known as the “mummy makeover” designed to assist with both incontinence and vaginal laxity.”   

Sources: Erectile Dysfunction, Boston University School of Medicine. 

Erectile Dysfunction and Ageing: Healthline 

Labiaplasty: World’s Fastest Growing Cosmetic Procedure 

Promising impact of platelet rich plasma and carbon dioxide laser for stress urinary incontinence, European Journal of Obstetric Gynaecology Reprod Biology, 2019   

Autologous platelet-rich plasma in treating women with stress urinary incontinence; Nature Scientific Reports 2021

International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Laser  


Sarah G

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