Author: Aaron_George

Posted on: September 2, 2020 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Clothing For Your First Hunting Spree – How To Gear Up

Modern hunting requires a great deal of preparation, involving everything right from the weapons to hunting gear, navigational aids and clothing. For the beginners, it would be easy to ignore the importance of the right kind of outfits. But they really can make a difference to your comfort, mobility and safety in the wild. It makes sense to brush your knowledge about hunting clothing so that you can pick and…

Posted on: August 24, 2020 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition Review

Street Fighter is a good old fighting video game franchise that is developed by Capcom. It has a long history of being on the market. The first game was developed back in 1987 and since then the game has been more or less regularly released. Today we are going to be reviewing the latest addition to the game Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition. Before we get into the details it…

Posted on: May 27, 2020 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Sébastien Lacombe ”Gold in Your Soul”

Canadian singer/songwriters are having a good spring, and out of Montreal, this statement applies particularly to one Sébastien Lacombe, a veteran player whose new single and music video “Gold in Your Soul” is capturing the attention of critics around the continent at the moment. Lacombe’s conservative approach the guitar melodies blended with his deeply enigmatic poetry give “Gold in Your Soul” a very easygoing, classic pop feel with a uniquely…

Posted on: May 24, 2020 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

8 Benefits of Using Merino Wool Hunting Clothes

Getting ready for hunting season is a big undertaking. You need to clean your gun using gun cleaning rod, get some ammo, and ensure that you have the right clothing for going out on a regular basis. Merino Wool hunting clothing is getting more popular all of the time. Why? Here’s a quick look at some of the top reasons. 1. The wool doesn’t smell: The wool is thick, but…

Posted on: May 7, 2020 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Bloom’s Taxonomy releases EP

The London underground has always produced some of the most provocative artists known around the world, and this spring, it’s offering us another soul-searcher with a talent for making impeccably eclectic music in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a solo project dedicated to exploring the depths of the modern ambient beat, and in his new record Bitter Lake, he takes a uniquely British approach to his mission. There are more than…

Posted on: September 19, 2019 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

How to Write a Winning Scholarship for College

You have spent countless hours finding the ideal scholarship for you. You have searched the World Wide Web. You have spoken to your counselors and have contacted private scholarship organizations. You have a list of awards that show your talents and skills. Now, it is time for you to win the money. To win a scholarship for redheads, you must fill out various applications and write a scholarship essay. Like…

Posted on: January 4, 2015 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Axixic Interview

Hello, Axixic. Your latest album is Dancing On The Moon. What significance does the title hold for you? It’s a metaphor that I carried around for years to describe two contradictory ideas: living in the moment -or- doing one thing when you really should be doing something else. When I came to Mexico to write and record the album it seemed to describe what I was doing so I decided…

Posted on: November 30, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Urban Terror (PC Game)

The world of free online first person shooters is a bleak place, full of oddly cartoonish games with slow paces, goofy weapons, and an overall feeling of awkwardness. As poorly as many of these games stack against their non-free competition, you have to give it to the developers for trying, and sometimes they make a gem. One of these few and far between beauties is called Urban Terror.

Posted on: August 17, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

I-Doser Review (PC)

Oh goodness me, what do we have here? Okay, this is actually sort of an older deal, but I recently discovered idoser, which is a website that makes some pretty brash claims all based on sound waves. In short, idoser is supposed to get you high using audio frequency. The science actually has some validity to it all, but without getting too much into complexities lets just say that it…

Posted on: August 3, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Raptor Safari (Facebook)

If you have read any of my reviews of Facebook games you may have noticed that I typically do not like them. Personally the majority of them seem like nothing but graphic versions of pen and paper RPGs (such as Dungeons and Dragons) minus the imagination and social stigma and after playing so many of them my patience has been worn out. To call them video games is something of…

Posted on: August 2, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Space Empires: Battle for Supremacy (Facebook)

Social network games tend to be something of a breed all their own. Truthfully, I can barely tolerate the vast majority of them. However, I am aware that my opinion is the minority when it comes to this subject, and I cannot deny that these pseudo video games have a big market. The newest of these games Space Empires: Battle for Galactic Supremacy, sticks to familiar formulas and really doesn’t…

Posted on: July 22, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Puzzle Agent (PC Game)

When I first saw Puzzle Agent, I had a good feeling. Coming from the same studio that gave the world the generally loved Sam and Max series (TellTale games), Puzzle Agent is a point and click adventure game designed around the graphic novels of Graham Annabelle. This first episode is a pilot, and from here Telltale will decide whether or not the series will continue. Perhaps the games biggest challenge…

Posted on: July 7, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 27

Toribash (PC Game)

I first discovered Toribash about 2 years ago and I have loved it ever since. The game has gone through some changes since then (and even more since it was first released back in 2006) but the basic framework remains untouched and even after two years I still find myself firing up this little known indy gamin gem a few times a week. It’s rare that I would use words…

Posted on: June 28, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Rock Paper Sumo (Facebook)

Rock Paper Sumo is a new Facebook game from Firm studios, in concept the idea is a great one and sounds like it would be a blast, the execution suffers from similar problems to most Facebook games though. What problem is that? To put it plainly, not much happens in RPS. Unless of course you count clicking things that have no instant effect, and waiting.

Posted on: June 16, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Hockey Dash (MMO / PC Game)

The people at OGPlanet seem to be trying hard with Hockey Dash, but that might be the problem. Hockey Dash is a new (officially launched on June 9th) online multiplayer hockey game, and I have to admit, it looks really good. Typically, I don’t expect much from online video games in terms of graphics. Most MMO’s are capable of being very pretty, but unless you have a very expensive machine…

Posted on: May 21, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Canabalt (PC Game)

Well, you jump, and that’s about it. Doesn’t exactly sound like that intense of a gaming experience right? In fact, at first glance Canabalt looks more like a rejected Atari title than the incredibly innovative and fun little gem that it is. I stumbled on the game about a week ago, and since then have been playing it quite a bit and I have to say, this is one of…

Posted on: May 17, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Iron Age – Constant Struggle (CD)

Iron Age – Constant Struggle / 2006 Youngblood Records / 10 Tracks / / Reviewed 01 April 2006 It was not an accident that Iron Age makes their actual CD for Constant Struggle” look like an eighties CD. The style put forth on tracks like “We’re Dust / The Violator” looks back to bands like Megadeth and their ilk for influence. Still, the production values of “Constant Struggle”, as…

Posted on: May 17, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Ion Dissonance – Solace (CD)

Ion Dissonance – Solace / 2005 Abacus / 10 Tracks / / / Reviewed 16 November 2005 While it is hard for me to typically appreciate the style of technical hardcore that bands like Converge play, I feel that Ion Dissonance moves beyond that sound in trying to put the hardest type of music down on disc. Individuals may say that this is just a chaotic mess, that…

Posted on: May 17, 2010 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

The Invisible Eyes – Laugh In The Dark (CD)

The Invisible Eyes – Laugh In The Dark / 2005 Bomp! / 16 Tracks / / / Reviewed 09 December 2005 Psychedelic seems to be the major fuel that drives bands in 2005. Between the Invisible Eyes and The Coffin Lids, there seems to be a single-handed resurrection of the style by Bomp! bands. The Invisible Eyes are more sedate than The Coffin Lids, tending to be more…